Dogs and Fireworks…

Fireworks can mess up a gun dog faster than almost anything else. The noise and brightness are just too much for most dogs. Most dogs…there are always exceptions. A dog’s hearing is 4x better than ours, and fireworks are loud for us. Imagine them being 4x louder, and what a concussive blast like that would do to our ears. Dogs don’t understand the bright flashes in the sky, nor do they understand very loud noises that are not associated with fun activities like hunting.

Some best practices to help your dog survive the fireworks season:

  • Find our when your local group(s) will be having their fireworks event(s).
  • Talk to your neighbors to find out if they’ll be having a fireworks event.
  • Keep your dog indoors during fireworks.
  • Give your dog a safe space. If your dog is crate trained their crate is the best place for them during any fireworks display.
  • Close windows and curtains. Run the dishwasher or washing machine if either is in the vicinity of the dog’s safe space. Or, play music.
  • Never yell at them out of frustration if they’re scared. That only makes it worse. Comfort them as if they were a scared child…because they are scared and they don’t understand what is happening.
  • CBD treats, pheromone products and/or thunder shirts can also help manage your dog’s response to fireworks. Talk to your vet about these options to ensure it’s something they would recommend.

You’ve spent a great deal of time and energy training your dog to be a gun dog and a hunting partner. Don’t let the Fourth of July ruin everything you’ve done together to become a good hunting team.